Club Rules
Welcome to Colchester Film Makers!
This document outlines the Colchester Film Makers rules.
By joining our membership, you accept these rules.
COLCHESTER FILM MAKERS (formerly Colchester Cine & Video Club) CLUB RULES
1. Name
The name of the Club shall be COLCHESTER FILM MAKERS. No member may use this name without the consent of the Committee.
2. Objective
To further the interests of all aspects of film making, for which purpose the Club shall be affiliated to such organisations as the Committee shall consider appropriate. To support our members in their film making endeavours and share our resources, where appropriate with others. To create a home for film enthusiasts to meet with like minded individuals.
3. Officers and Committee
(a) The Officers of the Club shall be the Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and Competitions Officer, all of whom shall be nominated and elected by the Club members annually as set out in Rule 7. These Officers together with not more than four other Members, shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting, to form the Club Committee.
(b) A nominee shall be elected un-opposed in the absence of any other nominations for the same office.
(c) Where there are more nominations than offices, then unless nominees withdraw, the election(s) shall be by ballot and the Chairman shall appoint two scrutineers to count the votes.
(d) Any vacancy which arises during the year may be filled by co-option from among current Club members.
4. Membership
(a) Anyone over 14 years of age interested in Film making may apply for membership and
there shall be three classes;
I. Junior (Under 18years of age)
II. Individual Adult (18 years and over) (with discounts for under 25's/students/limited income).
IlI. Joint Membership (each with full voting rights) for couples.
(b) Applications for membership will be met by the Secretary and Treasurer and if they agree, the applicant will be admitted to membership, in cases of uncertainty the two aforesaid persons will refer the application to the Committee, which, at its discretion and by majority vote, shall approve or reject the application.
(c) The Committee shall be empowered to elect as an Honorary Member any person who has rendered outstanding service to the Club.
(d) Every person who has paid in full or signed up to a monthly membership subscription within the period stipulated In Rule 5(a) shall be termed a Member of Colchester Film Makers and shall be bound by the Club Rules.
5. Subscriptions
(a) The annual subscription for every membership class shall be reviewed and determined each year by the Committee at its first meeting following the Annual General Meeting. It shall be for 12 months commencing with the Club’s first meeting after the Summer recess and it shall be due and payable in full or paid once a month;
(i) In the case full payment of Existing Members, not later than the 4th meeting of the new Season.
(ii) In the case of full payment New Members, not later Than 2 weeks after approval of membership application.
(iii) Persons joining the Club part way through the current season, shall pay pro-rata the subscription according to their membership grade. The amount will be agreed with the treasurer and payment link sent by email.
(iv) In the case of signing up to a monthly subscription, this must be set up after no more than 3 trial sessions. All payment links will be sent out with membership reminder emails for ease of use.
(b) The Treasurer shall notify any existing member who has failed to pay their subscription by the relevant date in 5(a) (i) or (a) (ii) above, that unless the amount due is paid within a further 3 weeks, membership shall automatically cease, and that a new application will need to be made.
6. Visitors
Any member may introduce a visitor to the Club. Other than at the discretion of the Club Committee, nobody may attend as a free visitor for more than three evenings in any one Season. Further attendances shall depend on successful application for membership. (See Rule 4)
7. Meetings
(a) The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held during May prior to the summer recess, for transacting the following business:
i to receive the Officer’s Reports for the past year
ii to elect Officers and Committee for the ensuing year
iii to consider any other matters, of which prior notice shall have been given in writing, pursuant to Rule 7 (c)
(b) Written nominations for Officers and Committee Members, bearing the proposer’s name and seconder’s name and the nominees signed assents shall be handed to the Secretary at least seven days before the Annual General Meeting. At the discretion of the Chairperson, verbal nominations may be proposed at the meeting.
(c) Any Member may propose any matter competent for the Club’s attention by giving the Secretary not less than 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting, written notice (signed by the proposer and a seconder) specifying the nature of the proposal.
(d) A Special General Meeting may be called by the Committee, or on receipt by the Secretary of a requisition for such a meeting, signed by not less than one third of the total paid up membership. The requisition shall state the purpose of the meeting and all Members shall be given at least 14 days notice of such a meeting. Variations to Club Rules shall be considered at a Special General Meeting called by the Committee or by members in accordance with this rule.
(e) The Secretary shall record Minutes of all General, Special and Committee meetings.
8. Expulsion and Resignation
The Committee may expel or suspend from the privileges of membership, and for such periods as it may decide, any member who in its opinion, has acted in a manner detrimental to the Club.
9. Finance
All monies due to the Club shall be handled by the Treasurer. All cheques in payment of the Club’s proper expenses, shall be signed by TWO of four Officers — Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Competitions Officer.
The Club financial year shall be from 1st April until 31st March.
The Club accounts shall be prepared annually, as soon as practicable, and on request be independently examined by a suitable person, agreed by the Committee.
10 Challenges (formally known as Club Competitions)
Film making challenges are programmed throughout each season, with the traditional criteria for The Open, The Five-Minute, Documentary, Ray Jennings and David Cleveland remaining, with only an adjustment to deadlines. Challenges will be shown at two screening events each season.
11 Disbanding the Club
In the event of the Club being disbanded, an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened for this purpose. Its business shall be:
1 to formally adopt the Committee’s recommendation to disband the Club
11 to instruct the Committee upon the method to be adopted for the disposal of Club equipment and other assets
111 to decide upon a charity to whom the proceeds from disposal of Club Equipment mid the balance of Club Funds shall be donated.
Reviewed and updated August 2024
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Engage with our vibrant film making community today. Celebrating 65 years of film making in 2024, originally established as Colchester Cine Club in 1959.
© 2024. All rights reserved.
Meetings on Tuesdays 7.30-10.00pm at: Hythe Community Centre, 1 Ventura Drive, Colchester, CO1 2FG.